Our On Demand IT services, instead of paying a regular monthly fee, just pay for the individual service when they need it.

We offer a preliminary setup service for businesses just looking to get their networks up and running.

Cybersecurity is a major concern for all businesses. So, evaluating and responding to potential threats is a popular service we provide to a lot of businesses.

Database management includes organizing that data to ensure compliance, security and performance of data-driven applications.

This category includes any type of IT service that is delivered over the internet like Azure, AWS or other  dedicated cloud networks.

We deal with databases, spreadsheets or multimedia, and offer a service where we provide support for users that need technical fixes so you can focus on your business services.

In partnership with the Tilex Telecom Global family we also provide Cell Tower, RF Backhaul Builds and Deprovisioning.

A can do company, Extended Logic, LLC

Yes we can do that too!